The right media coverage conveys the right message

Water Droplet

There’s a famous saying that there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but is it really true? The phrase has been thrown around for many years in one form or another, but it’s generally thought to have come from the great American showman and circus owner Phineas T Barnum, a man who clearly knew a thing or two about the media. If anyone ever understood the power of the published word, it was surely Mr Barnum.

Here at Rose Media Group, we do all we can to get our clients’ messages across, whether in the printed press, on broadcast media, on the web or elsewhere. We wouldn’t necessarily agree that all publicity is good publicity, however, but we can safely say it’s good publicity if it came from us. If you’re a client of ours, you’ll already know that founder Aneela Rose and the team go the extra mile when helping you to engage effectively with your customers.

For our B2B clients, high quality media coverage will do so much more than simply get a message across. It will increase brand awareness, for example, and give the client a golden opportunity to actually manage the message, a highly underestimated aspect of good public relations. In addition, it will help a company to enhance its credibility rating, an important function in an era of instant liking and disliking of products and services on social media platforms.

Keep calm and stay hydrated

Let’s give you an example, a made-up scenario that nonetheless emphasises what can and can’t be done. Imagine you own a company that sells bottled water. In fact, it sells the most popular bottled water brand on the market, one that’s available in supermarkets and corner shops all over the land. One day, a mega-famous celebrity – let’s call her Kate Kardonian, for want of a better random fake name – is pictured on Instagram drinking a bottle of the second-best water.

Your business, one that you’ve taken many years to build up, was at the top of the tree when you had your muesli this morning but was second best by the time The One Show started. What do you do about it? You know Ms Kardonian is an influencer of millions, so there’s little point announcing that your rival’s bottled water tastes like it came straight from Chernobyl’s waste-pipe. And you can’t criticise Kate’s tastes because the backlash would be disastrous.

What you could do instead is point out the errors of her ways with gentle humour. Perhaps mention on your social media channels that you were glad to see her supporting the underdog, and then suggest it’s time she tried the very best instead. Then, of course, you call Malcolm in Warehousing and have him send a few free cases to her mansion as a thank you. A day later, if a photographer on your payroll happened to be passing by and snapped her with your product, everything would work out fine.

RMG knows what it takes to offer the type of B2B public relations Sussex can be proud of, and that’s why we’ve been such a success story for so long. Our client base includes companies working in a number of industry sectors, from aviation to zoology and beyond, so we’ll know what makes you tick. If you’re looking for an agency that really understands you and your business, why not get in touch?

David Showell

David Showell

David Showell is Chief Copywriter for Rose Media Group, creating content for clients across a range of industry sectors.

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