How Strategic PR Can Grow Your Business

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 How Strategic PR Can Grow Your Business

PR and communications has become one of the most effective ways of marketing and growing businesses due to its affordability and multi-faceted reach. When executed effectively, PR can be extremely beneficial to businesses in a number of ways.

By using a combination of strategically developed content, targeted media, influencer outreach, and focusing on digital optimisation, PR is a perfect tool to support any business. Designing our individual content and marketing plans directly from evidence-based results, we have unique knowledge of which strategies can work to successfully grow your business.

How to Develop a Successful PR Strategy

  • Firstly we need to determine what our client’s business and PR goals are, as every client is different and has different needs. We recommend having a ‘Discovery Session’, where we use dynamic methods to investigate our client’s business and identify a target audience. Previous clients have told us how much they actually didn’t know about their own businesses until we carried out our discovery session!
  • Secondly, we create tailored strategies to meet each client’s objectives using tactics like media outreach, digital content creation and publishing, content writing, influencer outreach, web and brand-development, high-converting Paid Per Click (PPC) advertisement creation and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
  • Finally, we statistically measure campaign results and evaluate their success. This is a crucial aspect of any PR strategy as it allows us to refine our activities, and ultimately have more impact for your business.
PR strategies are important
PR strategies are important tools for any business

What a Successful PR Growth Strategy Looks Like

  • Brand Awareness: An ongoing PR strategy will focus upon continually building awareness of your brand, products or services. Presenting your brand’s values, strengths and overall business in the correct way is a fundamental component of any direct marketing strategy.
  • New customers: A strategic PR approach will be designed to increase your brand’s presence on both digital and printed platforms. Focusing upon utilising these platforms tools will boost user engagement with your brand, draw in new customers and ultimately increase leads and conversions.
  • New Investors: Generating positive, focused media coverage and increased engagement within your industry will help your business seem more secure, established and profitable, therefore capturing the attention of potential investors and funding.
  • Growth: Ultimately, investing in an impactful PR strategy will lead to increased revenues, profits and growth. More businesses will attempt to become your partners, additional customers will become aware of your business and new investors will wish to work with you and support your business.


For more information on how Rose Media Group can support your business with PR, please get in touch; we would love to hear from you.




Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose is Head of PR at Rose Media Group overseeing all research and media related activity across B2B and B2C.

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