Well, what a week it has been for Rose Media Group during our first Lockdown period. We are adapting to the new government rule and have embraced working from home and thinking differently.
We are comfortable with change and such is the Rosy way, we’re grabbing hold of this opportunity to be adventurous. Our pragmatic approach, led by our MD Aneela, has enabled us to come up with some remarkable ways to keep ourselves sane and motivated whilst still providing our clients with an uninterrupted service.
So, here’s what we’ve been up to…
Our spirited MD Aneela has blown the cobwebs away by chucking a spear in her garden with her mini-me!
Charlotte, our Digital whizz has dusted off her walking boots and headed off to the gorgeous South Downs for blissful long walks, every day.
Our captain of B2B PR Chris has indulged in comedy shows for some light relief from the heavy daily news agenda!
Consumer PR queen Emma has been rowing for England with her new swanky WaterRower Rowing Machine! Yes, you read that right! And a glass of wine (or two) is helping her break sweat!
We’re an active lot, as proven by our Office Manager Sarah who, alongside a daily HIIT workout, loves her garden with a new found penchant for green fingers!
Word whiz Julia, our Chief Copywriter, is revisiting her childhood with not a care in the world when bouncing around on her the family trampoline! Go Jules!
PR Executive Ree is loving Joe Wicks workouts each morning with her little princess in tow!
Senior Consultant Sophie has been painting in Watercolours and playing ‘Pandemic’ on her own!
Keep well and safe everyone.
The Roses x