Changes in the way we consume information


It’s difficult to imagine now, but there was a time when we didn’t rely on instant messaging, rolling news and immediate access to all the information we could ever need. If you couldn’t remember who won the FA Cup Final in 1971, for example, you’d have to either ask some know-it-all football expert or find a reference book on your shelves at home and look it up. Imagine the inconvenience! It was Arsenal, by the way. 

These days, you can find such vital, life-enhancing information in seconds, all from the comfort of your mobile phone. In a matter of moments, you can discover the city in which Boris Johnson was born, the fashion brand that was founded by Tom Singh in 1969, the country that gave the electric fence to the globe and the band that took World in Motion to the top of the UK charts. Feel free to look it all up. In less than a minute you’d know it was New York, New Look, New Zealand and New Order. Simples, as a certain little meerkat might say. 

When it comes to B2B PR Sussex business owners know that getting the message across is hugely important, and these days that message has to be tailored specifically to the way we gather and consume information. There are more channels of communication than ever before, of course, and thanks to the popularity of social media it seems we’re finding ever more targeted ways of speaking to the waiting world. For your business, you should constantly question what you have to say and how you are going to say it.  

Far too many businesses seem to get stuck in something of a rut with their customer outreach. A number of them have an understandable preference for the same print media outlets that they’ve used for years, and remain somewhat unaware of other channels. Newspapers and magazines still have a relevance, of course, but they should form only a smaller part of a much bigger picture in the modern era. You may have spent many years honing a specific message allied to a tried and trusted approach, but if it’s being ignored you could be missing out on so much. 

Being heard is what it’s all about 

Imagine, for example, that your company manufactures a popular range of crockery for the catering industry. Your bowls, plates, dishes and cups sell well, but you’ve long had a nagging worry that you could be selling even more. The only thing stopping you is the fact that not enough people know about you or your products. Those adverts you’ve been placing in the trade press, the ones you’ve relied on for the past decade, just aren’t having the same impact anymore. 

A new approach is needed, and you can engage the services of a top West Sussex PR agency to help make it a reality. Here at Rose Media Group, we can introduce you to a number of potential strategies that can, put simply, raise the decibel levels so that everyone can hear you. These can include: 

  • Social media marketing 
  • Paid search advertising 
  • Search engine optimisation 
  • Public relations 
  • Email marketing 

…and so much more. 

Far too often, company managers and owners make the mistake of assuming that the people who matter are already listening, but this is so often not the case.  

To find out more, why not have a chat with our experts today? Drop us a line at or call 01444 241 341. We look forward to hearing from you. 

David Showell

David Showell

David Showell is Chief Copywriter for Rose Media Group, creating content for clients across a range of industry sectors.

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