From working the room to working the Zoom


From working the room to working the Zoom

Back in February, we shared our thoughts on working the room … Oh how times have changed! With Zoom, Skype and Microsoft teams officially taking over our days, we wanted to provide top tips on how to work the Zoom instead!

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail

Jumping straight into a Zoom meeting with zero preparation is never a good idea. To make sure you come across informative and professional be sure to prepare beforehand. Here at Rose Media Group we make sure to provide clients with key updates and changes as well as potential critiques and how we can improve on activities.

Invite only

Only invite the people who need to be there. Having more people on the call can make it harder to make decisions and can have a knock-on effect on the overall quality of the meeting. It also allows the conversation to flow, with less chance for people to talk over one another or interrupt when someone else is speaking.

We have recently decided to reduce the number of Roses on a client call. The new process involves the team updating each other on all aspects, for the smaller team to then pass this information on to the client; this is beneficial for all.

Dress to impress

Here at Rose Media we love to get dressed up, we find that it makes a difference to the way we act- switching from ‘lounging around’ mode to ‘work’ mode. Make sure to avoid sleeveless or off the shoulder tops, otherwise you may look naked- which isn’t the most professional look!

Hide the mess!

We all confess to having a nosey at everyone’s environment when on a Zoom call, so when working from home make sure that your setting is appropriate. Before the call check that your camera is focused on you and not facing anything that may be distracting, we suggest sticking to a plain background- however we personally enjoy a bit of colour!

Find THAT lighting

When on a call you don’t want to look like you are sat in the dark or a spooky silhouette, to avoid this face the light for the best appearance. Don’t have the light behind you.

Connection is key

All of the above is irrelevant if your hardware isn’t working. So, before you make a check your internet, microphone, speaker and headphones work. If you’re struggling with connection, enable video to view only the host to reduce the use of the bandwidth.

Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose is Head of PR at Rose Media Group overseeing all research and media related activity across B2B and B2C.

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