The Roses celebrate 15th anniversary with special guests


We are thrilled to have celebrated our 15th anniversary on Thursday 19th September by throwing a glitzy party at Malmaison Brighton. From the moment guests arrived they were treated to a decadent affair with fabulous canapes, fizz and fun. Clients past and present listened to speeches from Jet and Hunter, stars of the iconic 90s TV series ‘Gladiators’, and local personality Jack the Lad. The sporting tie-in was a nod to RMG owner, Aneela Rose, who became a World Powerlifting Champion in 2018 and a British record holder this year.

On the night guests, who dressed in fushia pink to represent RMG’s brand colours, watched live artwork being created on windows that mapped out the night unfolding, visited RMG’s history room that summarised the last 15 years of business and won quirky awards celebrating their time with RMG. Drinking and fun continued well into the night.

James Crossley (AKA HUNTER) and Diane Youdale (AKA JET) provided the guests with inspirational tales on re-inventing themselves post-Gladiators, a theme which is not unfamiliar to RMG: The company has re-invented its vision several times throughout the past 15-years resulting in longevity, a growing client-base, and an expanding team.

Founder Aneela Rose commented: “It was wonderful to see so many faces, old and new, helping us celebrate our 15th year in business. Diane and James both provided fantastic speeches which were a big hit with the guests, who were all too familiar with them as huge TV personalities in the 90s. I would personally like to thank everyone for supporting us throughout the past 15-years and coming along to party with the RMG team. We have very exciting plans ahead and we can’t wait to get cracking on another successful 15-years.”

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Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose is Head of PR at Rose Media Group overseeing all research and media related activity across B2B and B2C.

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