The rising importance of influencer marketing

A social media influencer

The marketing sector is a constantly changing entity, a medium in which today’s tried and trusted processes could be completely obsolete in a few months from now. It’s difficult to predict, unless you happen to be an expert in the field, and it offers up a pretty unique set of challenges in any given working week. It’s also, as a result, an extremely exciting industry in which to work. 

The rise of influencer marketing

In recent times, there has been a huge rise in the power and potential of influencer marketing, to the extent that this particular sector generated more than 16 billion US dollars in 2022. There are several reasons for this, some of which can be attributed to the way we use social media in particular and the internet in general. It would seem, for the foreseeable future, at least, that it’s here to stay. But what exactly IS influencer marketing? 

In essence, an influencer’s effect on marketing revolves basically around the ability to change the buying decisions made by others. If you can persuade someone to buy something they might not otherwise have bought, then congratulations! You are now an influencer. Just how influential you actually are, though, will depend on how many people you can use your powers on. 

Go back to your childhood and imagine you’re in the sweetshop with your annoying little brother. He has pocket money to spend and you don’t, so you try to persuade him to buy sweets that you really like and he only likes a little. You manage to talk him into buying a packet of fruit pastilles, and you’re particularly pleased about it, because that annoying little brother of yours will probably only eat a few before giving the rest to you.  

Your career as an influencer has now begun 

Your sinister master plan worked like clockwork. Your brother remains just as annoying, but you gain half a packet of fruit pastilles without spending a single penny. What you have therefore done is practice the art of influencer marketing. If you have since gone on to become a major Instagram celebrity with a hundred thousand obedient followers, you can trace your influence back to that little sweetshop. 

For commercial organisations in the 2020s, influencer marketing can bring with it a huge upsurge in revenue, as long as it’s done right. Celebrity endorsements are an extremely powerful marketing tool now, helping companies to sell everything from fizzy drinks and kitchen sinks to mobile phones and ice cream cones. Matching the right brand to the ideal celeb really can bring in huge revenues. 

Influencer marketing is not just about celebrities

It’s worth noting, however, that influencer marketing doesn’t just involve superstars, so put Kylie Jenner’s phone number to one side for a minute and think about the other individuals who can help your brand. If your company is working in the travel sector, to use an example, you’ll find travel bloggers and influencers who can boast online interaction with potential consumers in the hundreds of thousands and sometimes even in the millions. 

The same principle applies to influential users of tech platforms, electronic gadgets, clothing, cosmetics, sports equipment, toys and so much more. And remember, if a travel influencer has two million followers, each of those individuals are there because they want to be. They like travel, they value the influencer’s opinions and as such they are always going to be seen as potential consumers for your travel-related products. 

So, irrespective of the industry sector you happen to work in, you should never underestimate the potential for influencer marketing. This industry has always seen its fair share of buzz phrases over the years, of course, but this is the real deal. The buzz it creates is the equivalent of ten thousand bees in ten thousand hives, so make sure you understand its importance. 

Now, who wants a fruit pastille? 

 Rose Media Group was founded by Aneela Rose in 2004, and we continue to work with a great range of clients based across several industry sectors. You can connect with Aneela on LinkedIn, follow Rose Media Group on LinkedIn or call us on 01444 231341


Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose

Aneela Rose is Head of PR at Rose Media Group overseeing all research and media related activity across B2B and B2C.

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